BoatRecordsVBA Videos
This web page contains videos on the use of the BoatRecordsVBA program.  I'm not really sure that these videos are all that useful.  I am doing this primarily to learn more about publishing videos on my web-site.
The initial videos on this web page were encoded for Windows Media Player.  To view these videos you will need the Windows Media Player plug-in for your web browser.  I am also experimenting with YouTube to publish the videos as those videos do not count against my 50 GB/month traffic limit of my website plan.
The first video below is an overview of the application.  On the right are links to the other videos on using BoatRecordsVBA.

Using Containers
Container in a Container
Using Kits
Creating Maintenance System
Configuring the Inventory
Inventory Validation
Program Log File
Inventory Search
Generic Inventory Items


A Quick Overview of BoatRecordsVBA
Using Containers in a BoatRecordsVBA Inventory
Storing a Container Within Another Container
Using Kits in a BoatRecordsVBA Inventory
Creating a Maintenance System
Creating an Inventory Configuration
Creating Inventory Categories and Sub-Categories
Validating the Inventory Database
Displaying the Program Log Files
Searching the Inventory
Generic Inventory Items
Generic Inventory Items is a feature of BoatRecordsVBA introduced in verstion 4.5.  A Generic item is an inventory record that groups together similar items in the inventory for the purpose of providing a commons means to locate and track these items.  This feature is intended to enhance the tracking of cousumable items in the inventory such as motor oil and filters.
The first video provides an overview of the Generic Item feature in BoatRecordsVBA
The second video demonstrates the use of a Generic Item.